Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Its sad to say that 1 of our member [Smd]-TerryYew will stop playing dota for 1 month . He needs to prepare for his SPM . But still we will continue our training . So let us wish him good luck and hope he will be back and join us as soon as he finish his exam . All the best Yew ! God bless .

Sunday, October 25, 2009

MyGarena Blackshot Tournament Season 1

Smd Blackshot Team [SoBeQuiet] has joined MyGarena Blackshot Tournament Season 1. We are preparing for it currently. Our roster will be :

Blackshot Name | Garena ID
1. LikeiCare (Leader) [Smd]-PlaySafe
2. LikeiKill [Smd]-Byakkdai
3. LikeiWant [Smd]-KeyPlayer
4. Purpl3Lov3 [Smd]-xEmo
5. xqR.Xviesnus [Smd]-Solster

6.XiaoFur [Smd]-XiaoFur
7.LikeIDone [Smd]-Legend

All the best to them and hope they can do well in the tournament. Good luck !

Friday, October 23, 2009

Smd clan 1 and Smd clan 2

After a discussion between me and the other members , we decided to split into 2 clans. Smd clan 1 now will start training in Malaysia Dota Clan War Room 01 everyday. Smd clan 1 only for active and main players. Unfortunately , we still can't decide who to be the clan lord of smd 2. He must be a very active player, with heavy responsibility and manage to take care of the clan. So , I decided to open a poll to smd members to vote who is most suitable to be the clan lord of smd 2.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Elimination'' Round..

about the elimination round..we will be postpone due to our match HoD season2
after that i will remake again..stay tune =0

Nudge spammer

Like i said..without any emergency or important things..DO NOT spam more than 3times..I'm now really taking this as a real serious matter..whoever spam spam spam result you may be kick but doesn't mean you kicked out of clan, just a warning for you after been kicked out once your rank may be as member only.just wish to get approved by cL. ==!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Elimination'' Round..

Well, currently me and another guy is making a competition for us because our group is too full. Maybe middle of October will start.. Looking forward for it and prepare well. =)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

SMD Forum

Well for smd members our long awaited forum has return, and non-members please join us too anyone is welcome in the forum.

And as for our website, I'm sorry to say that we'll have to wait till next year.

Please join http://www.chspj.net/SmdForum/index.php